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Showing posts with label book recommend. Show all posts
Showing posts with label book recommend. Show all posts
By Lyn Tribesing

The necessity of writing, and of doing it this way, here. Just as fanfiction must inhabit the network because it is verboten, undoable, unsayable elsewhere, it is at the same time the necessary form of expression online. But all online writing is fanfiction, replicating not the characters but the concepts of the memespace, the context. All writing has always been fanfiction, merely awaiting the network to reveal its true form. We declared the death of the author prematurely. Barthes was a futurist, like BS Johnson. Technology is our modernity.

Those who understand the history of technology and the people who made it happen can probably figure out more quickly how to build on the shoulders of giants and advance technology further. Here's some books that are great fun to read because they either relate great ideas that influenced a generation of technologists or because they chronicle the lives of people who changed the world.


Assuming the popularity of e-books continues to grow, will they eventually become young people's first choice when they read for fun? Or will children turn to print as an alternative to the online reading many of them are required to do for school?

Funny reading is awesome reading! Maybe your child is a class clown that wants to memorize every joke in the book to try out during lunchtime routines, or she just enjoys chuckling quietly in the comfort of your home. Joke books are a perfect way to turn reluctant reading into hilarious hobby. Here are a few to get started:

This list includes books that have stood the test of time and are worth a look for the history lover. And it includes new books, such as Walter Isaacson's tome on Steve Jobs, that are likely to be the new classics. It doesn't, however, include any tech textbooks. My focus is on books that deliver not just a technical understanding of how something works today, but hard-earned wisdom.

About the Author:

Books I recommend techs read

By Lyn Tribesing

The necessity of writing, and of doing it this way, here. Just as fanfiction must inhabit the network because it is verboten, undoable, unsayable elsewhere, it is at the same time the necessary form of expression online. But all online writing is fanfiction, replicating not the characters but the concepts of the memespace, the context. All writing has always been fanfiction, merely awaiting the network to reveal its true form. We declared the death of the author prematurely. Barthes was a futurist, like BS Johnson. Technology is our modernity.

Those who understand the history of technology and the people who made it happen can probably figure out more quickly how to build on the shoulders of giants and advance technology further. Here's some books that are great fun to read because they either relate great ideas that influenced a generation of technologists or because they chronicle the lives of people who changed the world.


Assuming the popularity of e-books continues to grow, will they eventually become young people's first choice when they read for fun? Or will children turn to print as an alternative to the online reading many of them are required to do for school?

Funny reading is awesome reading! Maybe your child is a class clown that wants to memorize every joke in the book to try out during lunchtime routines, or she just enjoys chuckling quietly in the comfort of your home. Joke books are a perfect way to turn reluctant reading into hilarious hobby. Here are a few to get started:

This list includes books that have stood the test of time and are worth a look for the history lover. And it includes new books, such as Walter Isaacson's tome on Steve Jobs, that are likely to be the new classics. It doesn't, however, include any tech textbooks. My focus is on books that deliver not just a technical understanding of how something works today, but hard-earned wisdom.

About the Author:

Posted at 2:25 AM |  by taoufiq
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